UCLAx Coding Boot Camp Projects
All the projects I have done in the boot camp
Last updated
All the projects I have done in the boot camp
Last updated
I started to study in UCLAx Coding Boot Camp in August 2018. I realized the process of problem solving, logically thinking, creative thinking, designing and playing with color is a huge interest of mine. In all of these projects, I (We) had to build everything from scratch. The instructions are in markdown format that describe the core features of the product. The requirement for these projects is mainly making everything run smoothly, but I spent extra hours to invest in the colors, shapes and user experience. The deliverable is not up to a perfect level, and there's room for improvements for sure. However, due to my tight schedule, I stopped myself at some points and moved to a new project.
This is the homework for week 3, when we started to learn Java Script to make websites interactive.
This is a group project, where we got ourselves familiar with colaborating with others through github. At first, a calculator looked simple and trivial, but later we were supprised by all the nuances. I actually enjoyed the problem solving process that goes with this project, where we had to plan for different scenarios and combinations of user input, and thought creatively to tackle those.
This is a homework for week 4, when we learned about Jquery, and dynamically created objects.
This is a homework for week 5, when we learned timers in Javascript. The two key methods are setTimeout(function, milliseconds) to execute a function, after waiting a specified number of milliseconds, and setInterval(function, milliseconds), the same as setTimeout(), but repeats the execution of the function continuously.
This is a group project, where we got to know the tremendous possibility of API. In this project, we use New York Time Search API to display articles that contain a keyword together with other filters.
This is a homework for week 6, when we learned local storage, which is built into a web browser to store data of the user. The data will persist on the local computer as long as you don’t clear the cache. In this project, I use Giphy API to display gifs that relate to an emotion. Users can save their favorite gifs for later references.
This is a homework for week 7, when we learned about Firebase Realtime Database. The Firebase Realtime Database is a cloud-hosted database. Data is stored as JSON and synchronized in real time to every connected client. This is fascinating, because it's a big step toward building a real app, with which users can save their data for later use.
This is a homework for week 10, when we learned about NodeJS. With Node run-time environment, we can do much more with JavaScript than just making websites interactive.
This is a homework for week 12, when we learned about how to connect NodeJS with MySQL Database.